News 2006 - 2007 home
Go here for Eve Future related news.
207_12_27 a live clip (Experimenta festival, October 2004, Madrid) of Swans from the forthcoming Kreidler album (via youtube).
207_10_28 video updates: besides of the Eve Future video series, find also a wild bunch of other Kreidler clips. Updated regulary (i.e newer stuff to come...)!
207_10_12/17 ikreidler news: check-in the press-section, as well as infos, live and luzi.
207_10_06 Kreidler live at Stimul, Prague Czech Republic.
Archa Theatre, Na Poríçí 26, Praha 1. For more information go to the official site of the festival or check their myspace.
207_02_05 Number one of the Eve Future video series to come on Youtube: Clockwerk.
206_11_23 via e-Mail: "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, www.ikreidler.de/kontakt.html ist uns unter anderem auch als eine gute Infoquelle zum Thema Kontaktlinsen aufgefallen. Daher möchten wir Ihnen Link-Partnerschaft vorschlagen. Bitte nehmen Sie sich einen Augenblick Zeit, um sich http://www.kontaktlinse.at anzusehen. Sie können den Link zu ikreidler.de direkt selbst hier einbauen: http://www.kontaktlinse.at/partner/partner.php Die Partnerseite ist direkt von der Pagerank 5 Startseite verlinkt. Ein Beispiellink auf unsere Seite könnte wie folgt aussehen: Kontaktlinse.at
Vielen Dank und liebe Grüsse, Ihr Kontaktlinse.at - Team"
206_11_01 Youtubians, watch videoclips: "Clipe de 1998 da banda eletrônica alemã que costumava ser exibido no AMP na MTV" - Coldness on MTV. "This is simply one of the most sublimely beautiful videos ever made, for a song that I cannot get enough of. Gives me chills every time I hear it, and especially, every time I see this one. Props to director Sebastian Kutscher on this one, and especially to Kreidler! Always a thumbs-up. Yes." - Au-pair on VIVA.
206_10_30 Kreidler live at Alter Wartesaal, Köln.
Invited by Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludwig - celebrating the donation of the Hahn-Preis Köln to Mike Kelley
Mike Kelley: Primal Architecture
206_10_23 Updates on Andreas Reihse's April - pages. Go for Binford, April, Andreas Reihse Musik, - Journalien and sublinks.
206_10_13 ikreidler news: Updated live-pages ; also Coldness-pages - i.e.: go for sublinks.
206_09_02 Tiny news, one: there's a Lagerfeld cd compilation ahead - featuring a Kreidler song (tba).
Tiny news, too: some activity on the myspace front: look, listen and repeat Kreidler as well as Andreas Reihse's April and Detlef Weinrich's Tolouse Low Trax.
206_06 Statement Zündfunk retten!
206_06_06 Kreidler live at Bistrotec (the number of the bist 6.6.6.), Wadeson St London UK E3.
Invited by Sophie von Hellermann on occasion of her opening Judgement Day at Chisenhale Gallery, Chisenhale Rd London GB E3
Sophie von Hellermann: April Fool
206_05_26 Remember Yoyodyne, remember Binford, remember Dark Park?: Listen now to Detlef Weinrich's first solo EP "Boarding To Rio".
After the remix for Tontraeger - his second effort under the Tolouse Low Trax moniker.
Out now on Amontillado.
206_05_01 Lots of updates and tons of uploads (..) on Andreas Reihse's April - pages.
206_04_31 ikreidler news: La hidden agenda - Hands on Kreidler, Was (not Was?), Commissioned Wort.
206_04_28 ikreidler news: New openings - press 1997, press 1999, press 2005, some polaroid. Some updates - Eve Future , press 2000, press 2001, press 2003, press 2004.
206_04_21 Rip it!- Reappropriate Popular Culture. International Videoart und Music Festival, Berlin. Videoscreening: Eve Future - La Casa, Solaris
Von: xxx@yahoo.xxx
Betreff: hey guys, concerning myspace
Datum: 8. Februar 2006 04:59:21 MEZ
An: xxx@ikreidler.xx
I created this site: myspace.com/kreidlerde.
if you want to take it over then you are more than welcome, let me know.
Joel xxx
206_03 ikreidler news: press 2004 updates, press 1998 upload, press 2000 upload.
206_01_31 Today the Düsseldorf Ordnungsamt took The Park Studios over. With their fancy uniforms and flashy new cars we wish them a warmth welcome.
Beside us e.g. the Bad Examples and Backgroundrecords got the notice to quit Erkrather Strasse 3. Where the former hobbypopMUSEUM will become the home of the Lost & Found Department.
Wave good-bye The Park Düsseldorf, say hello Flying Park Studios!
206_01 Eve Future Recall in the Air France onboard audioprogrammé
206_01 ikreidler news: press 2004, kreidler, alive 2000, alive 2001, alive 2002, colour, bugs fixx and some minor updates.
205_12 The strictly limited audio-Cd Kleines Musikbrevier von Andreas Reihse is a commissioned artwork (Jahresgabe) by Kölnischer Kunstverein (Click for more information and how to order).
205_11 launched:

The Park, 1999 - 2006